I was at the Nationals/Red Sox game last night and my oncologist called. "Did I catch you at a bad time?" "I'm at the game." He paused. "The CT showed something, didn't it?" I asked. "Yes. Come in and see me tomorrow morning."
So, I was home all night not knowing what to think. Surprising, without drugs, I had the best night's sleep in weeks! I'm weird.
At the appt. today, I was with my cousin and my neighbor. The doctor walked in and said, "well, it doesn't look good. Let me show you on the computer." The computer didn't work so he had to leave the room to get a portable one. We were all just sitting there on the edge of our seats. He came back with a computer.
The CT scan showed 4 small nodules of cancer in the liver, right around where my previous liver resection was. He is going to call my oncologist liver surgeon at Johns Hopkins, who is the best there is. So, I'm happy with that.
Also, there were 3 small nodules on my lungs (2 on one lung and 1 on the other.) They are too small to do radiation treatments. I guess that is a good thing.
What's the course of action? I'm going back on chemo starting in two weeks. I will have the 5FU (48 hour pump bag I carry around), Irinotecan (makes me lose my hair) and a new drug that is an antibody. I'll get this treatment every two weeks with no definite end date. If I respond well, some of the nodules could shrink or be gone by the next scan (2 months or so). I'll keep at it until they are all gone again.
My oncologist said, "It's not good, but I said that about you twice before and you proved me wrong both times." I asked him "If you had two patients...one who had the diagnosis I had 1.5 yrs ago and one with the diagnosis, now...which is better?" "Definitely the diagnosis, now." So, that's good.
It sucks that I have to do the chemo again. I'll be fatigued, lose my hair (I HATE that), and have the usual vomiting/diarrhea bouts here and there.)
This time around, I'm not scared like last time. I know what to expect. It sucks, but I can do it. Just keep in your thoughts, "respond to the drugs quickly!"
Also...my plan is to stay more active than the last time. I want to be out with people to pass the time more easily. Plus, I have a crap-load of brand new friends from the Colondar who have been through this and I can call anytime.
Work people -- I'll be back to being at work only a few days every pay-period
Pitt people -- Dammit! I wanted to pitch in the tournament. But, I'll be there making sure you give it your all on every play.
Colondar people -- keep your phones turned on
I left the baseball game in the 5th inning last night after I heard the news. I was about one foot from the exit gate and I looked down. There was a heads up Penny. :-) Plus, check out the shirt I was wearing when I heard the news...

Shawn you know I'm here... phone on! :)Hannah
Yes you will!
same here!!!! will call you tonight after work!!!!Todd
you're my hero, shawn!
remember your quote from the party--no one can tell YOU the odds!!!
I am proud that you are my friend. Keep fighting.
Time to kick its ass again!
Shawn, your fight has been an inspiration to us all. I have no doubt you will beat this again.
This time it's easy. Just do what you did before and you'll kick cancer's ass again. I think it's terribly fitting that you had your I Will Win shirt on when you got this news. You will. Definitely.
You WILL win...
As for Pitt, maybe not so much. ;-)
Shawn, you are still kickin' butt and taking names. Everyone at GUH is behind you and we know you'll continue to defy the odds. I'm here for you.... Sara
You're a winner, Shawn. Show the stinkin' cancer who's boss.
That shirt is awesome and true! Keep up your positive attitude.
Way to have the right attutude Shawn! Keep FIGHTING and keep Living STRONG! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help!
You win everytime! This is a simple thing compare to what you went through. Please phone tonight if you can
703 591 4041
Vandelay! Sorry to hear this. I am here for you when ever you need me. I had a nodule in my lung last year and had surgery to remove it! sux and hurts big time! You are strong! Totally don't stop having fun and living just cuz of a little chemo! Spend all your time enjoying yourself!
Hey Shawn--I know you'll be talking with Craig--but I wanted to get a chance to let you know we are thinking about you and I'm praying for you. Keep up that positive attitude! Not many people would be like you--I'm sure that's why you've beaten it before, so keep it up!
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