Wednesday, February 18, 2009

It's all good...

My first CT scan since not being on chemo was conducted on Tuesday. Today I found out the results. No signs of cancer. :-) Now I can be at my party this weekend and not worry about anything. It's such a good feeling!

I also received a prescription for my pill form of chemo that I will do for two years. The pill form is called "chemo-lite." There should not be many side effects. I took the script to the drug store today and the pharmacist spent 15 minutes on the computer. She finally came back to me and said, "I thought it wasn't going through insurance, but it is. Your co-pay is still $1100. Wow. A co-pay of $1100 for a two month supply of pills! Luckily, my insurance cuts me off at $4500 for the year and the rest is free!

On a different note... This made me tear up:


CalvinHobbes said...

Great news! Looking forward to Saturday. (Btw, I wonder how much the "regular" or "non-lite" chemo pills cost.)

Kori said...

That is amazing news! Congratulations!!

Unknown said...

See you tomorrow!